† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2017YFB0405202), the Major Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61690221), the Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11434016), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11574384, 11674386, and 11774277).
We utilized a set of fused silica thin plates to broaden the spectrum of 1 kHz, 30 fs Ti:sapphire amplified laser pulses to an octave. Following the compression by chirped mirror pairs, the generated few-cycle pulses were focused onto an argon filled gas cell. We detected high order harmonics corresponding to a train of 209 as pulses, characterized by the reconstruction of attosecond beating by interference of two-photon transition (RABITT) technique. Compared with the conventional attosecond pulse trains, the broad harmonics in such pulse trains cover more energy range, so it is more efficient in studying some typical cases, such as resonances, with frequency resolved RABITT. As the solid thin plates can support high power supercontinuum generation, it is feasible to tailor the spectrum to have different central wavelength and spectral width, which will make the RABITT source work in different applications.
Today, pump–probe scheme using ultrafast laser pulses acts as a crucial method in studying microscopic dynamics. After femtosecond-pump/femtosecond-probe experiments revealed the real-time evolution of chemical reactions,[1,2] lots of dynamics that take place within picoseconds were studied. In 2001, attosecond pulse trains (APT)[3] as well as isolated attosecond pulses (IAP)[4] were corroborated, and the pump–probe experiment soon made its debut in attosecond physics,[5] showing that movements of electrons can be captured. APT as well as IAP shed light on electron dynamics in different materials,[6,7] through analyzing the electron wave packet[8] which was angular resolved,[9] or the transient absorption spectrum.[10]
Since IAP covers a continuous spectrum and is definite in time, it enables us to reveal dynamics lasting from subfemtosecond to tens of femtoseconds. A popular method to record the ultrafast movement in a target is cross-correlation of an IAP and a femtosecond infrared (IR) pulse, which may be explained by the strong field approximation (SFA).[11] However, the strong femtosecond streaking field in such cross-correlation experiments may deform the signals to be measured,[12] and the background noise may also smear the finest structures. On the contrary, the reconstruction of attosecond beating by interference of two-photon transition (RABITT) technique by means of measuring the group delay of the electron wave packet operates under much lower IR intensity, and the phases of the sidebands are easier to be recognized and extracted.[13]
Phases obtained in a standard RABITT experiment represent an average over the energy components in each sideband. Recently, spectrally resolved RABITT (rainbow RABITT) has been developed to access phases at each photoelectron energy in the sidebands,[14,15] which is better in studying atomic or molecular resonance. Because practical issues often lead to broadening of the electronic transition line width (see supplementary materials of Ref. [14]), using rainbow RABITT to study resonance needs to cover a much broader energy range than the resonance line width itself. However, the discrete high order harmonics have limited spectral widths, which sometimes cannot cover the entire energy range of the transitions under study. To overcome this drawback, tunable IR pulses were employed to generate tunable APT to scan over consecutive spectral ranges or at least the range interested to study resonance transitions.[15,16] However, the tunability is often limited for most laser apparatus. Broad single order harmonics have a better opportunity to reach the energy level to be studied, but it may cause a spectral overlap between the harmonics and sidebands, and broadband femtosecond driving pulses will also deteriorate the electron spectrum resolution of the sidebands.[15] To this end, we search for a RABITT source that can cover the energy level to be studied, with appropriate energy and bandwidth. Few-cycle femtosecond pulses instead of narrow band long pulses could be a versatile source to drive high-order harmonic generation (HHG). On the one hand, such broadband pulses may produce broad harmonics to study a broad energy range. On the other hand, the broad spectrum of the driving pulses allows using optical filters to tailor and control its spectrum and pulse width then to control the energy and bandwidth of the HHG. To produce high-power, few-cycle pulses, the hollow core fiber (HCF) is a proven choice.[17–19] Here an alternative with a set of solid thin plates (STPs) shows higher efficiency, less sensitivity for beam pointing, and higher coherence.
We use the propagation equation to simulate the spectral broadening after 7 thin fused silica plates.[21] The simulated spectrum after the thin plates is shown in Fig.
Coherence of the driving field strongly affects the coherence length and efficiency of HHG.[22] The driving field also serves as the probe pulse in RABITT or streaking experiments, so it is meaningful to use a high coherence driving field. The coherence of the driving field determines the best fringe contrast in the spectral interference measurement of the carrier envelop phase (CEP), as well as in the root mean square (RMS) of the CEP after phase locking,[23] which is an important parameter of the few cycle laser field. As a nonlinear optical material, solid is more stable, when not ionized, than the noble gas in HCF. The thin structure is beneficial for releasing heat, which improves the stability of the output pulses, and consequently, the coherence of the output pulses. To evaluate the coherence of the output pulse, we apply an f –2 f interferometer[24] for CEP locking after STPs and HCF under the same input pulse condition. We find that the spectral interference modulation after STPs is indeed deeper than that after HCF. The measured RMS of CEP is 346 mrad after STPs and 540 mrad after HCF under 3 ms integration time, compared with 34 mrad and 107 mrad simulation results, respectively. The best CEP locking result we have got experimentally after STPs is 227 mrad RMS under 3 ms integration time for 20 min.[25] These results are consistent with each other, indicating that the pulses after STPs are more coherent than those after HCF.
We focus this pulse by a low group delay dispersion (GDD) silver concave mirror with focal length of 400 mm, to an Ar filled gas cell. The beam line is illustrated in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 3. Attosecond streaking/RABITT beam line. TM: toroidal mirror (insert into the beam path to inspect high order harmonics on the XUV spectrometer). TOF: time of flight. |
When we block the IR pulses, a photoelectron energy spectrum is produced via Ar ionization by the XUV pulses only. As illustrated in Fig.
To obtain a good RABITT trace, we reduce the input pulse energy for the fused silica thin plates to 0.53 mJ to get a less broad spectrum. Based on the autocorrelation signal of the photoelectrons from above-threshold ionization initiated by the IR pulses, the pulse width is estimated to be about 10 fs. The RABITT signal recorded is depicted in Fig.
We also compare the experimental HHG spectrum with the simulated one driven by 8 fs, 790 nm central wavelength pulses, as shown in Fig.
As the STPs support high output energy, it is possible to use band pass filters to remove part of the IR spectrum and make the few-cycle IR pulses versatile for different applications. Figure
In certain applications of attosecond optics, a higher repetition rate is favorable. For this purpose, the high repetition rate Yb: KGW chirped-pulse amplifier is a good choice,[31] and STPs also works well with Yb:KGW CPA.[32,33]
We use STPs to broaden the spectrum of 0.8 mJ 1 kHz Ti:sapphire CPA pulses to an octave. After dispersion compensation, 5.4 fs output pulse with 0.58 mJ energy of the central part of the Bessel beam is measured using TG-FROG.[34] The output pulse shows better efficiency and coherence than that compressed by HCF. Then the pulses are used for HHG in Ar. The generated high order harmonics are focused on a second Ar gas jet, and photoelectron is recorded using TOF. The harmonics are separated by 3.1 eV, and the full width of a single harmonic is more than 2.8 eV which is too broad for RABITT. When we decrease the input pulse onto the STPs to 0.53 mJ, SPM is less significant, thus the output spectrum is narrower. We apply this pulse to HHG and perform the RA-BITT experiment. The attosecond pulse trains are stable and the FWHM of each pulse is around 209 as. Besides broadband RABITT, we also simulate the high order harmonics using 5.4 fs, 0.58 mJ pulses after different band pass filters. By changing the filters, high order harmonics cover a consecutive energy range, indicating one can make the Ti:sapphire CPA pulses quasi tunable for different applications based on RABITT scheme. As a general supercontinuum generation method with high efficiency and high coherence for pump pulses with different wavelengths, we suggest to use STPs in combination with different pump lasers for RABITT sources and applications.
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